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How To Install .NET Framework on Windows 10 and Windows Server - NET Framework 3.5 Download and Install on Windows 10/11 


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This package does not contain localized resources for non-English locales. This may not be desired behavior when managing deployments of the. NET Framework. To avoid the automatic download use the following command: dotnetfx35setup. Related Resources. Follow Microsoft Facebook Twitter.

This action will open Command Prompt as admin. In the Command Prompt window, copy the below command, paste it in the command window, and press Enter. As soon as you execute the above command, Windows will extract and enable the. That is it. It is that simple to download dot net framework 3. I hope that helps. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Install the.

Warning If you're not relying on Windows Update as the source for installing. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. The latest version the. NET Framework starting with 4. For a list of all the versions of the. NET Framework available to download, see the. NET Downloads page. If you cannot get the correct version of the. NET Framework installed, you can contact Microsoft for help.



Dot net framework 3.5 for windows 10. Please wait while your request is being verified...


Your blog fixed my issue quickly and effectively. I really appreciate the trouble you took to publish this. Thank you! This initially failed but I tried again, this time capitalizing the D: for the path to opt drive and it worked. This works on Server preview as well. For those who have windows install media as ISO image file, the following works: 1. Wait for few seconds to get the content on the explorer. You can see the following directories: a. In the address bar, copy the path and paste in the command given in step 1.

Sir I am form India. Do the source files need to be pulled from the ISO that matches the Windows 10 version they are being installed on? So you cannot use a on a Although I surely appreciate the fact that Microsoft does want to get rid of it this way — there are many other features still usable in a vanilla install.

Like ancient VB6-Programs from the s. Then I realized the path was actually coming from the OS installation. I ran into this issue as well. It always fails. I am able to install. The only thing that seems to work is downloading them over the Internet, which can be slow and occasionally freeze up, at least IME.

AWS provides public snapshots of all of the Windows install media. Create a volume in the same availability zone as your instance from the snapshot, attach it and match the drive letter up with the rest of this article. Your information about the DISM method and needing the disc with the same version of windows 10 on it was the key to a successful install of. Thanks so much for this article! Nothing else on the Web worked for me. The reason I need an offline installer is that Update is blocked in my environment!

Stupid MS. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser.

Home Blog How To Install. Blog Powershell Windows 10 Windows Server. Table of Contents. Impressive, i was just turning around and i found you, great Thanks a lot.

Hey Zero, I was running into the samething you were. Worked like a charm to install. Thanks for the simple fix! Great Its working. Thanks for Saving our times. Thanks, it worked brilliantly. This is brilliant. Thank you Daniel for taking the time and posting on this problem and the solution.

Thanks my man, i was a beginner at windows server, it really helped me alot. Thanks a lot, it worked for me Win R2. Many thanks from Honduras.

Thanks It worked for me too. But I dont undyerstand why MS had to do this. It failed and complained about non-matching verification information. Thanks for a great article. Remove update Security Update and it will install just fine.

Cheers, Boris. For me too! Thanks David! Removing security update worked for me as well. Had to uninstall KB Note, the last number is 8 not 7. Great thanks Shawn!!!!!!!!!!! Removing security update all work fine!!! Had to remove the same KB. And you'll find. It's important to download a supported version, as Microsoft set "end of support" dates for its software, after which the software giant will stop releasing updates for it.

Fortunately, at the time of writing,. Once you've downloaded the offline installer for your chosen version, you're ready to begin the installation. In most cases, your installation should be smooth sailing. Sometimes, though, the offline installer just doesn't want to play ball. If you like to get things done quickly, you could use either the Command Prompt or the PowerShell to download and install.

Here's how to do that:. Once you've installed the. NET Framework, you could verify successful installation by running a command in an elevated Command Prompt. Related : Ways to Check Which Versions of.

There are a number of reasons why you could run into a problem while installing. For instance, if your copy of Windows is not licensed,. See how to enable scripts. Get started with Microsoft Edge. Thank you for downloading Microsoft. Choose the files that didn't download. NET 2. During installation, you may encounter error 0xf, 0xf, 0xff, or 0xF, in which case refer to.

If you still can't resolve your installation issue or you don't have an Internet connection, you can try installing it using your Windows installation media. For more information, see Deploy.

If you're using Windows 7, Windows 8. If you're not relying on Windows Update as the source for installing. Using sources from a different Windows operating system version will either install a mismatched version of. Skip to main content.


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